
Responses from gdnrbob

@sheridanmartinj , Digital has progressed by leaps and bounds in the past decade, the ARC is pretty much a dinosaur. A used Ayre Codex would be a more contemporary, as well as competent, albeit at $850. You could also get a Schiit Bifrost, not ... 
Vandersteen 2Ce Sig3 vs VLR with Sub 3
I have the VLR (non CT) with a pair of Belles Aria Monoblocks and an Aria Signature Preamp for my office. (10x10') Those little speakers can really rock. Unfortunately, I have no direct experience with the 2's, but did own the 3a sigs. Since yo... 
QLN Speakers anyone
I heard the floorstander model at the NY Audio show two years ago, and was very impressed. I do recall they sounded a little bit held back, either by the equipment or cables -or, they just sound that way. In which case, I would be disappointed. ... 
Berkeley CA audiophile is desperate need of help
@jgoldrick , Good advice. I power off my Innuos after listening ( power is expensive on Long Island). @bander , Did you contact Innuos? Also, have you checked your Ethernet connection. I have had a couple of issues when bandwidth wasn't large ... 
Go Cat8!
One significant difference from Cat 6 to 8 is grounding. Though Cat 6a has it. B  
Is a cheaper DAC + Reclocker better than just an expensive DAC?
Once again, the old adage: Making a silk purse from a cow's ear. -Seems to be applicable here. In short, buying a DAC that sounds as good as it can in it's price-range, sound better than buying one that is 'okay' and adding a reclocker.   As ... 
Budget DAC recommendation for Office system
Ayre Codex. Now under 1K used. I would give the Schiit Gungnir and Yggy as somewhat comparable to the Codex. B  
Wilson Sabrina (not X), Sonus Faber Nova 2, or Vandersteen Treo CT
Not to beat a dead horse, but the attention to detail in Vandersteen as well as their performance longevity make them a real bargain compared to the Wilson's.  B  
Conditioner vs. Surge protector
My 2 cents: Buy and install a whole house surge protector first. You can always add more protection down the line.  This way all your electronics have a minimum of protection, not just your stereo. B  
@sumwhat , I think you are overanalyzing this. B   
Wilson Sabrina (not X), Sonus Faber Nova 2, or Vandersteen Treo CT
@holmz , The Treo was a significant upgrade from the 3a Sigs I owned before them. Overall, a more refined sound. Though I do agree with getting a sub or two. His Mac 152 should have plenty of oomph to drive a pair of Treo's, as well as just ab... 
Wilson Watt Puppy 7…Would it work for me?
Given that your Thiel's are time and phase aligned, I would consider a Vandersteen before a Wilson speaker. The Watt/Puppy 7 is considered to be one of the better of that line. Though I have never listened to it personally. My only experience wi... 
Wilson Sabrina (not X), Sonus Faber Nova 2, or Vandersteen Treo CT
Good choice, and I know you'll be happy with your decision. Now is a good time to invite you to the Vandy forum. Open to Vandersteen owners only. Just go to the website. Bob  
Wilson Sabrina (not X), Sonus Faber Nova 2, or Vandersteen Treo CT
@delmatae , Though Vandy lovers seem to be loyal customers, we all seem to know the value of a time and phase correct speaker. There is something 'right' about it that one can't put into words. I listened to the original Vandy 2's in the '80's. ... 
Wilson Sabrina (not X), Sonus Faber Nova 2, or Vandersteen Treo CT
I concur with @sbank,  I think he hit the nail on the head. Vandersteen has always been a company to offer the most performance at a great price point. Though I will say the cabinetry of the Treo, Quatro, Kento and up are second to none. I will ...