
Responses from eugene81

Digital cable...
+1 for Blackcat Silverstar 75. But, if you can find a used Stereovox Reference XV-Ultra (same guy who runs Blackcat, Chris Sommovigo) it is a level up from the already very good SS 75. I think I paid $250 for mine. 
Tannoy Turnberry SE Imaging and Breaking In
Actually the manual suggests toe-ing in so that the tweeters cross right in front of your face. I usually don't toe-in much, but this worked out better for me with these speakers. They are pretty sensitive to positioning, contrary to what the deal... 
Sonus Faber Cremona vs. Cremona M again, I know
When there is one instrument (loudspeaker) trying to emulate infinitely different instruments it will never be 100% accurate and one can expect some speakers to be able reproduce the sounds of certain instruments better than others. Make sense? 
Does Cu oxidation away from contact points matter?
Kijanki, that makes sense to me.Jallen, can you explain how this "diode" effect negatively impacts performance in this context? 
Does Cu oxidation away from contact points matter?
Well I've found that the latter principle is bunk due to the skin effect, but even if current is pushed to the surface of the conductor and there is a layer of essentially non-conductive oxide on the surface, wouldn't the vast majority of the curr... 
Upgrade from Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE
If you can find one used, I heartily recommend the Von Gaylord LAD-L2 at relatively little additional cost to you. I used to own the STP-SE, then a Conrad Johnson CT5, and have had the L2 much longer than both. It has a lot of that vivid, soul-rea... 
"Undo" biwiring?
Well, that's more complicated since I will need to acquire additional "internal wire" to use as jumpers or disconnect, shorten, and reconnect the internal runs. It's far easier to combine the connections. It would also be nice to recover a whole 4... 
"Undo" biwiring?
Elizabeth, thanks.kr4, not sure you understand what I'm asking and I don't understand your response. Use the same wires as jumpers instead of jumpers...?Kernelbob, good jumpers have made significant improvements in my experience. Anyway, I do not ... 
"Undo" biwiring?
BTW I am talking about combing connections between internal wires on the inside of the cabinet, in case that wasn't clear... 
Anybody hear the Sonus Faber Venere?
Congrats on your new speakers! Please report back when they are broken in and you've gotten cozy with them. What other speakers have you had? I'm curious how they compare to others, especially more expensive SF models like Cremona M. 
Berkeley dac2/Alpha USB vs ps audio perfect wave ?
I have owned the Berkeley and borrowed the PS Audio. Without consideration of price I would pick the BADA Series 2. To me it is more refined. By comparison the PWD MkII sounds more homogeneous. That is, timbres of different instruments sound more ... 
black cat digital cable
The company is Stereolab, formerly Stereovox, and Black Cat is the name of a line of cables. Black Cat Silver Star 75 is a great value digital cable. Great clarity and detail but not harsh or bright. Pretty darn neutral, maybe a hair on cool side.... 
Can I replace a 24uF capacitor with 22uF?
Grannyring, which Mundorf caps did you replace, and what do you like better about the Clarity SA? I don't think I have the space to replace a 100uF electrolytic with 3+ large value film caps. But I do see that ClarityCap makes a 100uF/250V ESA so ... 
Can I replace a 24uF capacitor with 22uF?
I've decided to go with 22uF Mundorf M-Cap Supreme + 2.2uF ClarityCap MR. Also replacing 100uF/100V Elytone non-polar electrolytics with 100uF/250V Mundorf MKP + 0.01uF Vishay MKP-1837 -- that should work, right? Thanks! 
Can I replace a 24uF capacitor with 22uF?
Vapor1, I am intrigued by this idea. Can the 4uF cap really have that much influence even though it is only roughly 16% of the total capacitance?