
Responses from erikminer

Does Mcintosh MC75 drive B&W 802D well?
Not a good match 
Theta Digital Dac replacement
Maybe call Theta as a starting point? 
Converting HiRes Files..Question
Thanks fella's I'll do some more investigating. 
Converting HiRes Files..Question
Actually from what I can read on the Amarra site, Only the Mini version ($295.00) will convert Flac of 24/192 and it only converts to Aiff and it doesn't downsample to 16/44 it just does a straight conversion. XLD and Max both do that and for free... 
Best Rock Album in 2011
New Wilco in 24/96 is pretty great, so is the new Coldplay, and although not New the 40th anniversary Aqualung ought to be sweet. 
Cheap DAC w/ volume control for direct amp input?
W4S Dac 2.. But what's Your cheap? 
Cary sli-80 power cord
If it wasn't feasible to try different cords ala borrowing from the Cable Company, then I'd recommend either Shunyata or Synergistic 
Best tube integrated with Merlin TSM-MMI?
Ayon Spirit III, or Triton if your budget allows. Class A, Zero Neg feedback, switchable between Pentode and Triode 
Speakers for Audio Research VT100MK2
Proac is a great match with ARC. 
Amplification for Wilson Watt Puppy 7s or 8s
Ayon Triton Monos, or if it's in the budget the Orthos II 
Anyone auditioned the Cardas Clear? I have....
I just upgraded my cables to Clear XLR, Clear Speaker cable and Clear Bi-Wire jumpers.. all I can say is wow.. best I've ever heard. I also think that Clear is the kind of cable that one can build a system around knowing that cable isn't the limit... 
Rega Elicit Break-In
Snackeyp- It needs to be playing music, so yes cd on repeat is fine or radio just keep it playing. I also like to give things a rest once in awhile. 
ARC VSi60 vs Ayon Spirit II/III
In response to Lance0955 back 09/08/2010 you posted this about your Spirit II as regards the Cayin and Jolida amps that you said you also own: "My main amp is the AYON SPIRIT II. It's more expensive but worth every penny and then some." I'm a litt... 
Rel B3 or JL Audio F110
Rel, super musical, great crossover, great integration 
DVD-A player - while they still exist
Why not just put the music files on a Nas drive, or a USB drive and access the music files from there.. no wear and tear on the computer...