
Responses from discnik

Why the cost increase?
I was at the local Publix grocery store recently and saw some boutique brand of potato chips for sale at $7.00 a pop. The bag appeared to have maybe 5 ounces of product, judging by its size. When there are families that are struggling to pay $3.00... 
The stereo sounds fine, music is great, but Jeff Bezos came back to earth.
Just read the book 'Fantasyland' by Kurt Andersen....that should be required reading for Devilboy. Bezos is the poster-child for everything that's wrong with corporate power/influence, but there's no doubt he's brilliant. Amazon employees (all emp... 
Vintage vs New
Actually, I meant to say Pioneer SA-9100, although I also have the 7100. 
Vintage vs New
The comment that 70s speakers were voiced for the music that was most popular at the time was spot-on. That music was rock (the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Grand Funk RR, etc). The speakers were built with full-range capability being th... 
Separate Amp for AV receiver
Stereo (2-channel) is stereo, HT is HT, and never the twain shall meet.....I have three HT systems, two based on separates, one with an AVR. They are hardly ever used for music listening, maybe FM once in a while. I will have to admit that AIX dis... 
Then there's cynical antithesis.....Out of Sight! / Bummer, Man! 
British Integrated Amps
I second the Musical Fidelity A-308 nomination - I've had one for several years, and after mating it with a pair of B&W CDM 9NTs, it does almosteverything right. The modest little Rotel RA-870 is also a great little amp that punched way above ... 
How to isolate turntable from footstep shake or vibration
Do what I did - move to a residence built on a continuous slab......silent as a tomb. Of course, the motive of the move was not to exorcise demonic vibration hobgoblins from my stereo systems, but it was a factor in my decision to buy this particu... 
Linda Ronstadt's Heart Like a Wheel has to be a contender. 
Old Amps that can still Kick Butt
I am listening to Three Chords and the Truth by Van the Man on a Cary SL-100 / Adcom GFA-535ii combo and can find no fault. Not pushed hard, the little 535 is no slouch. It drives the large Advents really well. 
Stratospheric audio gear prices
If the money wasn't out there, these over-priced products would not exist. Huge disparities in disposable income causes us to perceive them as being in that category. One analogy that comes to mind is the salaries of professional athletes.....most... 
Favorite obsolete formats.....
It wasn't a medium, but a source.....the lowly hand-held transistor radio that only played AM, but introduced many of us to the world of modern (for that time) music. Elvis, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Fats Domino, Little Eva, along with many oth... 
For a few dollars more
oldhvymec - I think the film you were thinking about where Clint took an unscheduled trip was Coogan's Bluff. It doesn't hold up as well as most of his other films, but it was pretty gritty. 
Not tipping my hand on this matter, but I'll say this - I watched Bad Night At the El Royale a few days ago and a good part of the soundtrack featured what appeared to be 78 RPMs spinning on a beautiful Wurlitzer jukebox. The sound was definitely ... 
Time to Clamp Down
I meant options as far as what I have on-hand already, fuzztone. I have a couple of Record Doctor clamps which would probably work, but you have to install a doughnut at the spindle base to go with the clamp and I'm definitely not going down that ...