
Responses from dgarretson

Help with decision on selling Sony SCD-1
Jonathan, My point about the SCD-1's RBCD performance was drawn from comparison of a stock SCD-1 to my mid-90s era Theta Pro Gen 5a DAC and PSAudio Lambda II transport. The Theta/PS Audio combo is pretty long-in-the-tooth, but still betters the st... 
Help with decision on selling Sony SCD-1
The SCD-1/777ES moving platter transport is a different animal than other Sonys. Based on dialogue with several modders plus my own experience modding & maintaining the SCD-1: (1) The transport needs cleaning & lubrication every few years,... 
Getting rid of harsh, shrill treble
Agree with Tvad on this point. However it's more difficult to find a CDP with a glare-free yet detailed treble, than it is to find components that "resolve" the problem by rolling off the highs. 
preamp for berning/merlin/audio aero system
With VSM-MX I've used both the BAT VK5i & Atma-Sphere MP-1 MKII. The Atma is particularly fine & offers an integrated phono stage that can be taken to a high level with upgraded coupling caps. 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
One of these days I need to try a TVC in my system as well. There is just so much variability in reviewers' opinions of these. Stereophile currently steals thunder by rating the Music First as a Class B (borderline Class A) component. The variabil... 
Joanna Newsom: Ys or No?
I think Janyusay's demonstration of childlike enchantment is just what's needed from the listener to appreciate this record. In a similar way I recall the wonder my four year old experienced dancing to George Harrison's "Crackerbox Palace." Person... 
Joanna Newsom: Ys or No?
Live Hendrix.....
Band of Gypsies on Classic Records vinyl (1997) is remarkable. 
What subwoofers are suited 4 audiophiles
I like the Velodyne DD-series, but read Absolute Sound March issue: the new JL Audio Fathom fl 13 is a tour de force and a fair bargain at $3200. And fare thee well REL fans, no speakon connections to boot... 
Black Gates - Standard vs FK/Non-Polars
If truly the caps were couplers in the signal path, you'd do much better with teflon or oil/paper couplers such as REL, V-Cap, or Mundorf. If they are power filtering caps then OK. Personally I prefer the sound of less expensive Rubycon ZA and ZL ... 
Former Merlin Owners
I never heard the SuperBam, but I moved the std. BBAM way ahead by removing voltage regulation from the unit & powering it with large SLA batteries and fast parallel cap arrays. Also the VSM-MXs take very well to a sub to fill out that last bo... 
APL NWO2.5 ?
Guidocorona, if it's 6350 tubes perhaps he's talking Joule, not Atma (6SN7). Not to quibble but the Atma MP-1 is far better than "reasonably competent." 
APL NWO2.5 ?
"Buy the best source first and then work back towards the speakers. Only then can you know for sure how up to snuff the rest of your gear really is."I agree with Drubin & Alex as well. Garbage in, garbage out. Each improvement to my modded CDP... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
John mentioned recently that has no near-term plan for silver transformers in the TAP. For the TAP, S&B makes special unpotted copper transformers with relay switching on a PCB integrated with the traffo housing. This eliminates the rat's nest... 
Meldau/Metheny: Thoughts?
Not a bad collaboration, but not the equal of either artist's most recent ensemble work: Metheny's "The Way up" and Meldau's "House on Hill."