
Responses from bill_k

Williewonka, I don't have a MAC but on a Windows PC you just click on Play under the Previews header to hear an individual track. Then you can hit pause or stop on the player above. When you purchase the music you get 24/96 WAV files. 
I have paid to download a lot of albums, many in even higher resolution than the Sound Liaison titles. Their recording quality however really stands out as some of the absolute best that I have found. Their musical content is also very enjoyable u... 
Removing Morch DP-6 tonearm wires from cartridge
You need to be sure that you firmly grip the back end of the clip just beyond where it connects to the cartridge pin with either a long nose pliers or a tweezers. Make sure that you are gripping the metal part of the clip and not the wire or you w... 
Does CDP Analog and digital work at the same time?
Generally speaking both the analog and digital outputs are simultaneously active. On some players you need to activate either one or both outputs in a setup menu. 
Tim - for some of the best sounding downloads that meet your criteria I would strongly suggest that you check out Sound Liaison. While they currently only have four titles available, they are all superb recordings made in true 24/96 resolution. I ... 
Tweeter height...align with ears?
There is no standard rule that can apply towards all speakers and listening rooms. As you move off the direct line from the center of a tweeter the high frequency response gradually falls off. This applies to a vertical offset which is affected by... 
Turntable upgrade, tweaks, or stay put?
I haven't personally tried it, but there is a much cheaper alternative to Onzow Zerodust that appears to be very similar in design. I have seen it recommended by some other users who have used it with their very high end analog setups and they ent... 
You know you're an audiophile if--
Devilboy - I've also had some audio related dreams, but you've got it really bad! Curious if you remember what speaker the King was??? 
Origin Live Silver MK3A on Basis 1400
I didn't know that you were in the UK, but I would think that Mark Baker at OL would be best to address your concerns. The Nottingham collet allows you to clamp the arm at any desired height, but the current OL arms have a threaded VTA adjuster th... 
Origin Live Silver MK3A on Basis 1400
I have the latest Origin Live Enterprise-C arm on my Nottingham Dais, and it mounts in Nottingham's available Rega collet. There are no threads on the collet and it works out fine. The current Origin Live arms have built in VTA adjusters that allo... 
What type inside record sleeves to you use?
If you want the absolute best, check out these sleeves at a slightly higher cost each: 
Audia flight protection mode
I own the Audia Flight Phono and have never experienced anything like the situation you describe. I would guess that there is either a short of some type on the output or a problem with the protection circuitry. 
Stylus force digital scales
After buying and trying many digital scales used for the specific application of measuring tracking force, I agree with Don. This version is clearly superior when compared to similar but smaller scales that use button style batteries. It has the b... 
Nordost New LE series speaker cables. Improved??
I find the new Leif BH to be a definite and significant improvement over the original version, but I have no experience with the Audio Art cables to be able to make a meaningful comparison. 
Nordost New LE series speaker cables. Improved??
The original (pre-LEIF series) Blue Heaven and Red Dawn were indeed very different sounding, with BH being softer sounding and more laid back in perspective while the RD was more forward and revealing. This often led to one being generally preferr...