

Responses from audiotroy

If you had to narrow your choices to 4 - 5 speakers
there are a few amazing new reference loud speakers    Borrenson new x3 11k heard at last show  sounds like a 20k loudspeaker new kef reference 3 meta 15k  alta audio adam 18k    Dave and Troy audio intellect nj  Kef borrenson andAlta deal... 
Technical assistance and recommendations needed
Canton speakers are bright adding something with tubes will help you could get a large upgrade by getting a unison research due a hybrid integrated whicheven has a great dac   Dave and Troy Audio intellect  nj Unison research dealers    
dbagstrick we are dealers soyes we own this gear and we sell alot of great brands naim bricastipsrasound krell electrocompaniet ynthesis unison research coda and many others    so yes we own them and have compared their gear to many others    ... 
phastm the d280 pulls its weight agaist  anything at our near its price point   smooth musical a great dac low noise tight bass a huge soundstage and a great  feature set   Dave and Troy audio intellect nj aavik dealers  
T+A DAC 200 or LAMPIZATOR Baltic 3 / 4, 
these are both  world class dacs neither is better then the other  if you have a baltic and you want it to sound better I would look at your source, vibration isolation and power  cords    the first step  is to optomize what you have  Dave and... 
Are audiophile products designed to initially impress then fatigue to make you upgrade?
it is simple assembling a great system is an art and today many people base their buying decisions on internet reviews from reviewers without proper experience or gear to test from    nor do nany people have the patience and understanding    c... 
Is soundstage DEPTH a myth?
it really depends on your setup in order to reproduce a good soundstage you need high resolution components a good source and the system should be well optomized room acoustics placement good clean power and your recording quality of course matter... 
first US review 432 evo music server
pstores we have compared to the innous statement and aurender n20   We matched the statement with the upgraded psu  We bettered the Aurender   
ZEN Mini S vs. Small Green Computer Sonic Transporter i5 music server/Ultra Rendu Streamer
may we suggest a better option a 432evo standard is 3500 has a 2 tb ssd a cd ripper and linear power supply   it is also fully upgradable to a higher end model for even better sound down the road Dave and troy audio intellect nj US importers... 
Speakers and amplifiers show audiophiles are confused.
op you are going about this the  wrong way amps have a personality so do speakers  some amps are warmer some are brighter you have to listen we have two amplifiers in our shop both are 300 watt class ab one sels foe 13k the othe 22k they dont so... 
getting into streaming
vinyl we are a mytek dealer the manhatten and empire are reference products from mytek the brooklyn is a starter line     ooddiofyl  our 432evo servers far outperform Innous and are upgradable our7800 Aeon matched the 25k innous statement with ... 
getting into streaming
Almost every streamer has an app that is compatible with an iPhone or android. however, a tablet is usually the best   A Roon device can be controlled by a pc or laptop as well   the streamers all differ in terms of features and sound quality... 
What speakers work with low wattage class A amps
borrenson x3 11k based on the same driver technology on borrensons  reference  z series 90db efficient  very narrow elegant incredibile resolution deep bass for a narrow design   legacy signatures 9k 93 db efficient very deep bass plays very lou... 
Pass x260.8 v. Parasound JC1+?
we are kef dealers with a lot of experience with them    wehave a few ideas for you   Dave and Troy Audio intellect  nj  
What can beat Wilson XVX for less money?
heard the aurion apollo at axpona last year 60k beat any and everything at the show 60k a large open back line array comprised of multiple stacked amt drivers that are a unique design crosssedover toa pair of subwoofers   the system somes with a...