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Found 52 results

 Auris Audio D1D DAC Users?
Anyone have experience with these guys? I have seen YouTube and reviews on some of their othe...
 Auris audio
Has anyone heard of Auris audio?...It was paired with their own Auris Poison 4 speakers...Has...
 Auris bluMe anyone?
Hello,I have not seen much on Auris on this site...or the other audio forums that I visit.......
 Streamer v DAC - which is more important?
I have used a Cambridge Audio CXN but as I have indicated...I recently bought an Auris BluMeH...
 Life of KT 150 Tubes
Auris audio Mono Block -Forte 150 uses Two KT150...I am trying to get hold of Auris in Serbia...
I presently have a Tube mono blocks 'Auris Forte 150...' it's from Serbia by Auris Audio pair...
 InfiniCap Vs AuriCap
I'm think of change the coupling caps of my Rouge Audio...Infini do has the same value but th...
 Time for a new DAC?
In my modest audio system I still use a Bryston BDA...Currently I Bluetooth through an Auris ...