Tube question

I'm new to tubes, but there is a couple of things (well more than a couple, but for now): Why, with all of our modern technology, is it that we cannot make a tube with the sound quality of the ones in the late 50s to early 70s. What was it about that time, that we cannot seem to duplicate that quality today. I never, when hearing the scoop about great tubes, hear any new tube manufacturers being mentioned. Are there Chinese, Russian, American or the like, companies making very high quality sounding and constructed tubes? thanks in advance. warren
come on, you know what I mean..send it to him, over the phone, he be the man you'd trust to give you the scoop, right? All I'm saying (I'm agreeing with you through the back door) it's great to have a tube guru to validate the authenticity of a tube. The sound of you'll get out of that tube? There are no tympanics I trust more than my own.
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Assume that it's related to that only reason tubes are still made at all is that in former Soviet/Yugoslavian and Chinese they still rely on military equipment whereas West went Transistor long ago.We are a mnor side show.Kind of bummer that all tubes are now made in totoletarian countries.
ok, given that Chassbo, are those Chinese/Russians up to snuff? Why not then? What is it in the inherent nature of the tube that is making it so hard to duplicate with the same quality? or is that not really the case?