Big Karan amps

Anyone with experience of the bigger Karan amps.
I am interested in the new 650 Monoblocks.
How does Karan amps sound compared to for example BAT VK-600, Theta Citadels, Ayre MX-R, Burmester, MBL and others?
I have Aerial 20T's.
I have heard the entire line of these bad boys and they are truely spectactular. In my humble opinion, they are the finest solid state amps available at any price. They are liquid smooth and have gobs of class A power and do not run hot. I will eventually buy the kam 1200 monblocks when I have 45K to burn. OF all the brands you mentioned, I owned the BAT vk 600s, the thetas, and the Burmester, as well as the big mac mc 1201's as well as clayton audio m-300's if that helps. The karans don't get much hype here because they probably don't kick back anything to the reviewers hence they seldom get reviewed. I am not affiliated with any of these brands and have owned them for a period of time with various speakers but nothing in solid state moved me like the karans. They are almost tubelike without all the fuss and have incredible head room to drive anything. Hope this helps
Optarchie, thanks. I have Rowlands 301 in my setup now. I like their power and finesse, but I am missing some warmth and more tubelike sound. Your opinion of the Karan amps really sounds promising. I have just ordered the review of the Karan M 650 monos in the Hifi+ Jan 2008 issue. Have to check these out more!

BTW, which Theta amp did you have? And how did you find it compared to the BAT VK-600 (mono/stereo?) ?
I had the citadels and I found them a little more accurate than the bat 600s, a little more sterile and not as warm. I think the karan smokes them all by a large margin