Audiocircle forum gone to the dogs?

Every time I visit it seems more and more controlled by Manufacturers and their trolls? Poor newbees that visit the site are like putty in the hands of all those "Good Old Boys" and whatever manufacturer one of the trolls drank beer with last night!

At least this forum (10:01 pm) is not infested yet!

I find the Circles to be just as you perceive, Dave. I have never learned anything of use over there, because I don't have any interest in their pet products. The whole atmosphere is way to up-tilt cigar in the face clubby to me.
Yes, I go by flintstone over there Bluemike. Troll may have not been the correct word to use as Wellfed pointed out..."homers" works.

I'm not saying that the people over there are bad...or the manufacturers. It does strike me at times that the manufacturers have very strong control over the threads.

I saw a thread over there which stated that if you got into it with one of the Manufacturers he had the power to ban you from the Audiocircle of the manufacturers did confirm this in that thread so it must be true.

That said, I still visit the site and do post although I'm slowly starting to wonder about the place...I kind of migrated from the old site that closed down (can't recall it's name at the moment) to Audiocircle when it opened...have not posted a whole lot there though.


Thats funny,(pet products) does seem outside products are not often the subject of the day although they do come up from time to time....the Belles 350A not long ago was one.

Good to hear from you Dave
You were kind enough to give me your impressions of the mantissa a while back

Nice talking to you again

Still have the mantissa in your audio chain ?
Hi Bluemike, yes I still have the would cost to much to replace this little honey of a preamp.

Using it with a pair of Rogue Audio tubed monos (M-120 Magnums)...great combo, driving my Apogee Duetta Signatures to near perfection.

I'll guess that your still very happy with you upgraded Mantissa?

Best regards,
Yes the Mantissa is going to remain for a while
The vcap inserts have made a dramitic improvement
Now it's time to for an amp upgrade

So little time so many choices...