Amarra 2.3.2 vs Puremusic 1.82 playback software

I am running both Amarra & Puremusic on my system & for a day or two swapping between each. I find them both excellent.

I always preferred the sonics of Amarra in the past to the others i tried, but this latest Pm version sounds very good. It has a slightly denser image density than Amarra 2.3.

I think the latest Amarra offering is only just better in my system due to a silkiness & beauty in the highs. This may be due to the fact I use a Weiss DAC & Amarra is linked with Weiss.

I wonder if anyone else has noticed any differences between the sonics of these bits of software?
I have demoed both with a MSB Platinum Signature DAC IV with Signature USB interface. I liked PM 1.82. It sounded great. It had a wide deep soundstage and was very warm. Buy in my system and to my ears Amarra 2.3 sounded better. It had better low end extension and the vocals and instruments sounded more fleshed out and realistic. Also Amarra seemed to provide a level of dimensionality that was lacking in Pure Music.


So it would seem Amarra 2.3 is getting the thumbs up over Puremusic 1.82 so far.

How are you using Amarra? In memory as a stand alone or from iTunes.
I use Amarra in both configurations. Playlist mode does sound noticeably better, but memory mode sounds great as well. All sonic comparisons were in memory mode linked to Itunes. Sonicstudio is running a special on Amarra 2.3 for $495.00 until December 31.
Pure Music 1.83 has been released with most changes/improvements aimed at handling FLAC and DSD files.