Airtunes dropouts with Mac mini to Airport Express

I just got my Mac mini (2 GHz)hooked up to the airport express (wireless N version). I am having audio dropouts every few minutes - very annoying. Anybody have same problems? How do you guys fix this?

Right now I have the Airport Ex configured to join my network. The wireless router is b/g/n version. The airport in one room below the mac mini.

I changed my router channel to an un-used channel. So far for 2 hour, no dropouts yet. This is an improvement but I dont know how long it will last since wireless is a trickery thing. Mean while I will continue to work (or think about) making the set-up wired (instead of wireless).

Dropouts are UN-ACCEPTABLE for serious listening (for me).
You can run ethernet from your mac to an airport express, just have to configure it with the airport setup utility. I did this with my old ibook which didn't seem to have enough juice to keep a steady flow of music going without hard wiring it.

Does the configured AEx show up in the Speakers pulldown in iTunes? Therefore it would be an optional Airtunes speaker. It would help to know for those looking for hardwiring options.

It doesn't seem possible that the Ethernet would be a choice in the System Prefs via Audio Midi Setup settings for Audio Output. But maybe it shows up in the outputs after the AEx is connected?

I finally finished with getting the AEx hardwired to the mac mini. Problems solved. Using with the iTouch is great as a remote.