Most Challenging CD

What is the CD that most puts your system to task in your collection?

My best is, Tchaikovsky "The Nutcracker," by the Kirov Orchestra, conducted by Valery Gergiev. This CD has it all, huge bass passages, giant crescendos, sharp horns and interwoven dynamics.

Yes, I know, there are lots of CDs that show all these attributes. There is one thing on this CD that I have never heard on any other, a real loud gun shot.

Sure, some 1812 Overture discs have real cannon fire. They just aren't as powerful as the gun shot on this Nutcracker disc. This report is a CRACKPOW!!!!!!!!

Ok, what do you have that tests your system like no other? I am not really interested in test discs. I have those and they aren't as good, besides being boring.
Portishead "P." Levels too high, overdrives everything.

AFAIK, Portishead has not put out an album called "P" (I believe they've only released four full-length albums so far). There are no singles titled "P" either. Did you mean their latest album, "Third"?
Dafos IMHO has its most lasting quality in the cut with the crashing bass drum. When your system replicates the sound in one of the cuts on side two, I forget which, clearly for what it is, not just a big unmusical sound, you're well on your way to having, at a minimum, a system with excellent bass response.

I really don't listen to this recording that much, even though it is a superb recording the content is not exactly something I want to hear on a regular basis. Your comment got me listening to it on my main system again and I'm hearing it a different way - there are a few cuts that get pretty busy and dramatic and do test the system in a way that is more than just bass. Still, it's easy to be very impressed by this album on even a simple system. I think it has to do with the stark isolation of the sounds in many of the cuts, even those dramatic percussion cuts you reference. If the OP just wants albums to test bass abilities there are quite a few others as well, but that's only one measure of a system's abilities. Plenty of threads on that too. I guess in relation to the OP's impressions of the 1812 and Nutcracker the suggestion is a very good one as the impact of percussion cuts on Dafos have a very similar effect. Still, I think there's far more to a good system than being knocked back in your seat by convincing bass reproduction (though I must admit, I do enjoy that quality as well).
Beethoven's 'Wellington's Victor' has plenty of gunshots...mass musket fire and also a bunch of 12 pounders firing various charge levels.

The initial cannon shot at the start of the battle is brutal.

This is also a Telarc Disk.

I have plenty of disks which, however, are MORE challenging for what they DO NOT have rather than what they DO.
"Ein Straussfest" on Telarc has the most challenging dynamics I can think of in my collection.

Extreme dynamics and transients are the thing that will do in most recording and playback systems the easiest, I believe.

These characterize the recorded gunshots and explosives in that recording.

I think several early Telarc recordings have these kinds of extreme dynamics which was a novelty aspect of some the early CD recordings offered, especially on Telarc.

I think as time went on, record producers realized that these extreme dynamics and transients were too much for most peoples playback gear to handle and tended to sound distorted and bad in most cases, including quiet passages that could not be heard by most, especially in cars, so they backed off a bit from attempting to capture these extreme dynamics in most recordings as things progressed and the novelty wore off.

Also, many people's record players could not track the heavily modulated grooves in the vinyl versions of a lot of the early commercial telarc digitally recorded records taht came out in teh very late 1970's, so that did not work well for the masses either other than as a novelty.