My image is off center.
I have changed practically everything.
Swapped interconnects, cd players, placed left speaker on the right and right speaker on the left and vice versa. Switched amplifiers, power cables etc etc. The image (noticeable on vocals) is about a foot to the right of center. DRIVING ME INSANE!!!!!!! I have this gear in an architecturally sound room. It was designed by Obsession AUdio in the U.S. and it is definitely not a room issue. It is not my hearing (as first thought) because others have noticed and confirmed the problem as well. HAS ANYONE ENCOUNTERED THIS PROBLEM?
Could it be an electrical issue coming in to the house????? Is that even possible?
Any and all suggestions are welcome.

I don't believe anyone here has recommended the very first thing you should have tried and it's not clear from your statement "placed left speaker on the right and right speaker on the left and vice versa" whether you did this properly :

DO NOT SWAP ANYTHING - leave all cables, all settings, - EVERYTHING - exactly as it is when the problem is most pronounced.

Now just physically move (swap) the L and R speakers into each other's place - again, with all cables, wires, EVERYTHING! still attached.

If the imaging problem has not switched sides - then it is something in the room - PERIOD! CASE CLOSED! It cannot possibly be in the equipment. And you have already had your hearing tested. You can start experimenting with how to "equalize" the room better.

If the imaging problem HAS shifted to the other side - then it is something in your equipment - PERIOD! CASE CLOSED!

This is the only experiment that needs to be done to determine if it's a room or equipment issue.

If it IS the room - keep in mind that just because the dimensions are symmetrical does not mean that the resonances of the walls and floors (determined by construction of the house) are symmetrical. Is one wall an exterior and one an interior, etc.?
Thanks everyone for your input and responses. I am sure it was informative for anyone with image issues.

I finished all the traps in my room and have added just about all the diffusion panels and tubing etc. IMAGE IS DEAD ON. Vocals are now right where they should be. I can't figure out why everything has popped into place, but it has. Those of you who guessed it was a room issue must have been correct.

I am guessing that I was experiencing reflections fromt the speakers. That must have been the issue.

Thanks again for the many suggestions and opinions. It is nice to know that there is help for any of these issues.

Stop worrying about equipment. You are experiencing the interaction of the power/polar response of your speakers with the surfaces of your room. To confirm simply take a square cushion approx 30 inches square from a sofa, support it at ear level, perpendicular to & adjoining the wall approximately 5 feet in front of the speaker on the side the image seems to come from. You will find the reduction in reflected sound will cure the problem. Once you are satisfied this is the case you can consider some 'more acceptable' ways of taming the reflection. Let me know your results,Pete.
Such simple straight forward advice is what makes this forum great. Some things have complex answers so we come to expect everything to. It has been my experience that the simplest answer generally tends to be the best.

Thanks Pete!
It's funny I stumbled upon this thread. Just a few days ago I realized I'm having the same problem: center image is slightly to the left- confirmed with mono recording and few listeners, other than myself. Everybody was absolutely certain.
I'm sure the problem is new, and I haven't changed anything in the system.
I have an inclination to blame my power amp. (BAT 75 SE), maybe one of the tubes is giving up.
What is the easiest way to check the output signal in both channels?, and what should I use for that purpose?
Please, help.
P.S. I haven't done any speakers swaps yet ( they are quite heavy).