Black-Eyed-Peas, the future of modern music?

I saw the Black Eyed Peas in PA last night and all I can say is WOW. The whole production was over the top with a futuristic Science Fiction vibe. The music was like no other with so many influences its hard to classify as any one style.
The bottom end literally moved my hair and clothes.
The audience was a wide variety of fans. Many parents brought their children, 10,11 years old. The crowd was white, black, Asian, young, old (me) and happy.
I recommend you go see this show when the opportunity presents itself. It is history in the making.
Auto tube coming on premature was just another flaw in the prgram, I know its no secret, it was however a sloppy transition. One more cherry on the poop sunday.
Actually, all the background music is pre-recorded a day before and played through the monitors at half time the next day. It would be impossible to properly stage a "live" event due to the nature of the roll-out stage and the logistics of feeding and mixing a 64 track board in real time. It is easier to mimic the music under similar conditions the day before and let the attention be placed on the front persons during Sunday.

The only live feed in real time is the mics on the singers and occasionally one instrument, usually a guitar. Only Fergie and Slash were live during that section.

Why do I know this? I have done three of the half time shows.

Very difficult for ANY band to sound good here.
Bongofury, I'm with you. I've been getting into the local music scene and even singing with some of the musicians I have met who are much younger than I (56). I've discovered that I have a good rock voice only because some of the younger musicians have encouraged me to belt it out. Prior to this revelation I was afraid to sing in public. A little private jamming after listening to a lot of these younger musicians on stage has opened up a whole new world of music for me. Mostly I just enjoy listening to all the great local bands but actually participating a bit is like a dream come true. While I have no illusions of my ever really doing something in the music biz, just letting her fly for however long is a gas, gas, gas.