Heifetz' Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto Classic Rec

I just recently purchased the Classic Records reissue of Hefetz performing the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto. I was disappointed to hear that many of orchestral climaxes in the recording are distorted. I'm wondering whether this distortion is inherent to the recording, or whether my cartridge isn't tracking properly. Any ideas?
MWallwer: it's from '56. I know of no other performance that is as hair-raising as the Heifetz/Reiner finale. Enjoy the music. : )
Thanks Eldartford, tried two Oistrahk's but went back to Heifetz. (Though I can't recommend a MHS of father and son performing enough: very good Melodiya recording.) Will try them again tonite.
For what it's worth, I'm a big fan of Michael Rabin's performance. Rabin has a very different interpretation - far more romantic and less harried.