Live Earth 7/7/07 gentlemen start your tivo

here's the lineup for live earth showing saturday
7/7/07 - planets aligned
msn bravo etc

Police reunion, Dave Matthews and many others
has the potential to outdo Live 8

check here saturday for listings
So, the climatologists who disagree are "mostly funded by the energy industry". So that means they must be wrong.

And some of the guys who are so CERTAIN what the future will bring are the same guys who can't predict the weather accurately 7 days out.

Look, I'm not being negative about people caring. I care, and I'm environmentally conscious as well. But what we are seeing these days looks very nearly RELIGIOUS in it's zealotry. And just because the majority of "scientists" agree on this doesn't mean they have the answer. Google "Eugenics" and get back to me. Nearly every eminent scientist, politician and celebrity of the age endorsed it as scientific fact- including Adolf Hitler.

Forget liberal or conservative- look at this movement with open eyes and healthy skepticism. Carbon credits are paid to the company Al Gore is a member of. Incentive for the movement? Well as the old saying always goes, "follow the money".

Yet these people- again with a near-religious zealotry- abhor nuclear power as some great evil. Nuclear power can do more to reduce CO2 than nearly anything we can do. Yeah, there's waste. It can be dealt with if you drop the hysterics and deal rationally with the issue.

Other alternatives to fossil fuels suck. Wind power is very inefficient and kills thousands of birds. Wind Farms have been referred to as "The Cuisanarts of the Air" by The Sierra Club- no conservative organization by any means. Solar power sounds great, but is best used on a personal basis, not for grid power. And think about the caustic battery storage systems required to store solar energy. Not too green there.

So it's great to have a cause. But don't say the I am the knuckle dragger with the closed mind. When any group of people tell you "the debate is over", it's time to be very afraid.

Time to re-read George Orwell.
OK, I get the whole global warming thing, and I get Al Gore needing something to do, but do they need to tell us things that are just not true. Is this the best way to get us to become believers in Big Al's presidential (unannounced) campaign.

Look, I just watched the concert in Antarctica, and I need some help here. The band was standing in the snow, singing and playing with a beautiful sun hanging on the horizon. Mind you they had no sign of breath coming from their mouth, and should there not be? Oh yea, BTW we are now two weeks beyond the summer solstice, or the shortest days in Antarctica.

Hmmm, how is it the sun is up???

Look, I think this is fine, but really, isn't this just Al getting on TV?
try ethanol

from corn it takes 120 gallons of gas to produce 100 gallons of ethanol that lowers the power and milage of gas.

brazil uses ethanol, but they use it from sugar cane sources. Mid west farmers don't like that cause it only grows in humid warm climates like Louisiana

ethanol from sugar cane - 80 gallons to make 100 of ethanol
less reliance

get the facts, don't believe the lies
Hey, Eugenics is not a fact; it is a policy based on a fact about which all agree: selective breeding changes(and can thus "improve" characteristics of populations. But it's immoral in a big way as done on humans.

The scientific community is overwhelmingly in agreement about global warming as a great threat to the stability of our habitat. That doesn't mean they have solutions. But one good shot at a solution is to stop doing what apparently causes the phenomenon that seems so dangerous. I mean, duh.

To say Al Gore is on about this because he's bored, and to act like that discredits what he says, is a stupendously cynical ad hominem. Al Gore didn't make up the evidence, nor did the huge group of internationally prominent scientists who agreed unanimously that global warming is a fact and a scary one about which we should do something.

Besides, if the question is whose motives in characterizing the evidence and assessing the risk are more suspect, the answer is completely clear: big industry, oil, and the politicians they keep in office (and in their pockets), as well as the rich whose rich lives these make possible. Not Al Gore and a bunch of lab guys.

Oh also, the fact that it is hard to predict the weather 7 days in advance is NO INDICATION you can't predict long term trends. Lots of systems, maybe most, are just like that. The problem with the weather is that we happen to care a lot about a temporal range of it within which it is seems pretty stochastic.

It's ime to work on real solutions instead of just denying the problem. One preliminary step is getting out from under the influence of people in power (real or nominal political) who deny the problem.