Live Earth 7/7/07 gentlemen start your tivo

here's the lineup for live earth showing saturday
7/7/07 - planets aligned
msn bravo etc

Police reunion, Dave Matthews and many others
has the potential to outdo Live 8

check here saturday for listings
my name is al gore
my electric bill is outrageous
I would like you to conserve more energy
so I can glutonously take more than my share
my friends in Hollywood love me
bands needing exposure bow to me
yadda yadda yadda
I am watching this right now, so far no Political crap from the bands, a bunch of short films but on DVR I blow right by them avoiding attempted indoctornation. This isnt going to change anything, those who believe will still believe, those who dont wont but hopefully it will be a good concert...too eary to tell. In the end I think these short films and messages about so called Global Warming will be nothing more than an "Inconvenient Interuption".
I like the T-Shirts one band was wearing that stated something like "Say no to Nuclear Power".

Let's examine the disconnect in this purely political movement.

Okay, you're fighting greenhouse gases, but you all flew to your venue on commercial or private aircraft. You're against nuclear power though it emits virtually no greenhouse gases.

Yep, makes sense to me!

And please, no talk about the dangers of nuclear power. How many Americans died in the last decade from Nuclear Power accidents? NONE.

But how many coal miners died digging coal in the Americas?

Many hundreds.

Gimme a break with the environmental politics.
Some of us long-haired, vegan, organic cotton wearing, tree huggers have the silly notion that doing something/anything might just inspire our fellow jaded, knuckle scrapping brethren to walk upright for a change and try to care, just a little bit more about this hurtling dust ball we share. It sucks to take on any personal responsibility, I know, and it's so much easier to take cheap pot-shots at others. Sorry for bugging you with being so optimistic, idealistic, and naive. That said, I agree with Zappa as well. :^)

Happy Listening!
i have been enjoying the music,got some new artists to further look in to.judging by some of the comments made in this thread though people are ignoring the main reason this event is happening,to take a look at what each person can do to help instead of being so negative.