Any Tool fans out there.

I've been listening to rock for over 25 years with my head stuck mainly in the 70's. Then a while back I started trying out different rock. A few months ago, I was in Tower Records and asked the salesman for suggestions. He gives me Undertow by Tool. Wow!! You guys have got to listen to them. Even if you don't like rock, you need to listen. Bass freaks will love it. Lyrics and music are powerful. Sound is superb quality and one of their cd's is HDCD.

They are great in concert. Their drummer reminds me of John Bonham of Led Zeppelin. Listen to Kashmir or the Immigrant Song and then listen to Tool. Now, I have all their cd's but still favor Undertow. What's your favorite?
I don't count Emotive as an actual studio album even though technically one could argue it is. As you know its a compilation of covers and other stuff that came out "coincidentally" Nov. 2nd on Election Day. Politically charged is putting it mildly. So was this a Perfect Circle or Tool show you just saw and when was it? Was it a big show? What a treat.
Tool has been one of my favorite bands since Undertow. I saw them at Red Rocks with King Crimson and that was one of the best concerts I've ever seen. I also love Perfect Circle although the sound quality isn't in the same league as Tool.
snipes-i understand your reasoning about Emotive. The show was Tool on May 2nd at the Paramount in Seattle. I think it holds about 2400 people. The show was awesome, my friend and myself had great seats, we could see the whole stage without any problem. Treat is putting it lightly, they rocked like only Tool can. The timing between those guys was spot on, i will remember that show for the rest of my life.