What new music did you get for Christmas?

...I'm enjoying Mary Gauthier's "Mercy Now" at the moment. Highly recommended kind of like a 'dark' Lucinda Williams. Her first CD, "Filth and Fire" is great too. Got a handfull of other new music...I'll add to the thread as I listen to them.

Anyone else get new music they can recommend...?
Pehare - Thanks for the Jesse Sykes heads-up (and for the second Fujindemon). I just happened to have a copy of "Oh Girl" that a friend had given me (probably for the very reason you'd recomended her) that was sitting in my small stack of things to listen to. It's on right now and indeed I do like it very much.

Kevyo - Kate Bush's "Aerial" is among the Xmas booty I have yet to listen to. I'll make sure I do it when I'm not tired, though I can't imagine falling asleep to her dramatic voice.

Enjoyed a new (to me) Townes Van Zandt album, "Rear View Mirror", but the recording/acoustics of that live album aren't that great. Can anyone recommend a good introductory CD to his music that is a better recording. Also enjoyed John Prine's "Fair&Square". I guess I had a country theme going this Xmas.

Got a Billi Holiday box set.

Cool beans Slappy! Didn't peg you for a fan. Do you like Nina Simone as well? If you haven't heard her stuff, check her out too. here's a good introductory collection of her stuff.
