Shunyata for Arc REF5 SE

I understand audio research and shunyata cabling are a good match. I have a Ref5SE coming my way shortly and was wondering whether to get a z-tron cobra or a pick up as used phyton cx. I'd like to keep it in the sub $1K pricerange, so anything up the foodchain is out of the question. Anyone tried these two cables on an audio research preamp?
I would probably lean toward the Python CX... ARC Ref pres have a hefty power supply, which I suspect may best be served by a PC of heavish gage... My concern is that Cobra Z-Tron might yield stage and images of slightly reduced size compared to Python CX. I invite Jtimothya to comment on my conjecture.

Regards, G.

The Python Zitron is perfect for your preamp and is what the folks at Shunyata recommend for a front end of your caliber. It does give you the CX musicality with the Zitron speed and transparency, IMHO. It's what I'd put on my CJ if I had the cash.

The KC is a stellar cord and clearly beats the Cobra Zitron in my book. However, it does not match the Python Zitron's speed, transparency and balance across the spectrum.

Finally, I have found the best, largest gauge cords should go to the wall and lesser cords elsewhere. I also think amps work best directly to the wall unless you're using a non-limiting conditioner. Just my two cents.

I suppose I should add that I'm using the Anaconda Zitron on my Classe Delta 2200 amp to the wall and on my Triton conditionerto the wall. I opted to spend my money there and live with lesser cords on everything else. The Python Zitron would be my second choice in those spots. I really have no idea how Shunyata Zitron cords mate with the P5 but they love my PWD MKII. ;-)
My concern is that Cobra Z-Tron might yield stage and images of slightly reduced size compared to Python CX.

Hi Guido, I don't recall experiencing a smaller overall context or reduced image scale with the Zi-Tron Cobra, though its been almost a year since I tried that cable. I suspect "wire gauge inadequacy" relative to a hungry 5SE power supply would manifest itself first as dynamic compression, but there's no sure rule to that. Soundstage size might be more a function of phase information (which tends to be timing-signal related and blurred by noise) versus current throughput. But that's just a theory. I do agree - if the caps aren't getting filled, then all bets are off. Between the two, the wire gauges are similar with the Python CX coming in slightly larger at 9 AWG and the Zi-Tron Cobra at 10.

Unless there really is an issue of impaired dynamics or immediacy that can be solved by a larger gauge wire such as a King Cobra CX, then I'm biased on the side of lower distortion, and opt for the Zi-Tron cords. Maybe I'm just lucky but I've not run into such a situation with front-end components or sources.

Edorr, the simple answer of course is exactly where you landed: avoid the issue entirely with the Zi-Tron Python.