HOT Stamper...Im a believer ....

I recently picked up a mint copy of YES Fragile...immaculate cover, clean, virtually unplayed vinyl...and two indicators that this was a special pressing...the center hole was unusually tight....and the outer rim of the lp was very if straight off the lacquer...and the truly breathtaking in a full 3d way... price: 5 bones!
Can't be, that's not a HOT STAMPER price . . . ;^)

But yes, I've heard big differences from one pressing to another on the same label.
Not so fast Pryso,
the price may have been an arm and a leg... and another arm and leg..
I won't venture a guess on the fifth bone....
I hear that they ARE overly priced.

05-22-13: Isochronism
Not so fast Pryso, the price may have been an arm and a leg...

Yes. He may have meant a:

1) Humerus
2) Ulna
3) Radius
4) Fibula
5) Tibia
Yes, unusually tight center holes are difficult to find in our hobby...Congratulations.