Childproofing Speakers

I have a pair of Totem Hawks and a 8 month year old daughter who is now crawling and trying to use anything she can to help learn how to stand. Unfortunately, these are not the most stable speakers they are relatively light and have only three speaker spikes in a tripod like design.
Does anyone have any experience making these speakers more stable. I have been considering outriggers from Soundocity but this would only help protect from pushing left to right and not front to back. Also, I believe, but am not sure, that I would need to drill into the speaker base to use these outriggers.

hi i had the same concerns with totem forests. both are very unstable standing and can be pushed by crowling toddler or baby at ease. previously i had vandy 1c on sound anchor stands that were substantially more stable.

i would encourage heavier speakers with larger footprint in case if it's time for upgrade :-)

otherwise i did the following:
1. took foot x foot x 2" mdf
2. removed the screws from the ball stands leaving stands in place
3. took three nails large enough to reach from screw holes to the floor having speakers standing on it's balls:-) The nails should be small enough though to play between the chassis and floor so you'll be able to use marker to mark your drilling points.
4. drill three holes that you've marked on each mdf board
5. Use large enough screw instead of supplied stock one to go through the MDF pannel, ball and the stand and securing the speaker cabinette standing on the balls to the mdf pannel. you may start with pinching a nail first under desired corner before you start drilling.
6. I used 4 screws instead of speaker spikes to create 4-point secure stand. you can actually adjust their position depending on the surface to level them perfectly.
7. Load your speaker with send or anything heavy(lead shot if secured from dust) and your speakers are now hard to push and standing it's originally supplied 3 balls just like they're meant to stay on the floor.
It might be time to consider replacing your floorstanders with some wall mounts and subwoofer(s). The Gallo Strada 2s and Reference AVs are *very* fine-sounding speakers that can be mounted up and away from the wee one. Mate them to a Velodyne Digital Drive subwoofer(s) with DSP and you will have a VERY good-sounding system indeed.

You could certainly live with these for 5-6 years until the child is old enough and stable enough on her feet to not pose a problem...

What about using one of those modular play pens/cages? I created a circular pen around my speakers when my daughters were younger.
That is a good idea, Tbooo! And not very expensive, either. Good thinkin', laddie!
