Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
Dear Mihalis,
I also have digital and analogue sources. From my phono preamp I feed the output interconnects that would have gone into my preamp and feed them into "input 2" or any of the other inputs "3" or "4", on the back of your QOL. The "output 1" serves as common "out". On my remote I push In2,3,or 4 and I have the phono stage kick in. Hope this helps. Ron
Based on the last couple of posts,I decided to try my Qol after my source. I'll give it a few days of playing before passing judgement with my system.
Well, I played the Qol this weekend hooked up after the source (Cary 306 Pro CD player) instead of between my Pass Preamp and Pass Amp as I have played it for several months.

Though it sounded nice after the source, when I returned the Qol to after the Preamp the Qol magic returned.
Better dynamics, depth and more lifelike sound.
I received my BSG qøl last week. It's a keeper for me.
Here's my blog about my experience of the wonderful device.
I want to point out something I haven't seen mentioned yet.
(Unless I missed it).
Devices like this have come & gone, over the 30+ years I've been in audio.
Some are hailed as "revoltionary". And always, when they become popular enough, the next question asked is which hi end company will integrate the device or process into their product line.
Then, they fade away into obscurity.