Conrad Johnson PV-10A mod experiences?

Has anyone had experience performing a mod on the CJ PV-10A? I'm fond of this preamp, it has that wonderful tube openness and sweetness for harmonics. However over the past 6 months as I've delved into PC audio and DAC improvements, I've come to realize two things about it

1) its slow on transients
2) its dynamically compressed.

I'm using Mullard NOS tubes throughout as these seem wonderfully detailed with excellent base.

Since the preamp is built like an engineering prototype (overbuilt)my gut hunch is that some caps have aged (circa 1993)and need replacement, specifically the white CJ caps
and am thinking about replacing them first with Multicaps.

Wondering if anyone has experience trying to revitalize a PV 10A?
After weighing pro's and con's I decided to go with the Prologue Premium integrated and bought separately cryo treated Genalux KT-88's (the EL34's just didn't cut it). The PV10A beats the Prologue for pre when feed thru the home theater inputs... more air, detail and extension into the top and bottom range of the audio spectrum. I'll probably tinker with upgraded components in the Prima Luna pre section later this year but in the meantime I've got 0.01uf bypass Vcap replacements on order to replace the Solens I installed in the CJ pre mains section... will check back in with a report in 60 days after the obligatory 100-200 break in hrs pass. Love the amp section for the prologue, no lack of power or base performance issues with the Magnepan 1.7's
I hadn't expected immediate improvement using the VCaps, noe the less I got one. While theres still a long break in time ahead, Im finding on every piece that has percussive bass there is much deeper bass. Bass drum is now a thunderous joy to listen to versus a polite whack.
did any of you replace the caps and resistors yourself.. if so how was it done..............thanks
resistors are all original. Output section of pre and phono has 2 2uf PPE Solens which I replaced some while ago
with the SE Solens series
also replaced the stock electrolytics on power supply section with Nichicon fine gold caps but that didn't seem to cause a noticeable change