Ultralinear vs. Triode vs. SET

I currently have a Rogue Cronus that I have been quite satisfied with, but I am intrigued with the possibility of a SET amplifier. From both a technical and sonic perspective, what are the differences between a tube amp with switchable ultralinear and triode mode vs. a true SET amplifier?
I agree, the SET experience most certainly is`nt HiFi it`s music presented naturally.
" is`nt HiFi it`s music presented naturally."

LOL - Oh no! You're not really going to bring that one back, are you Charles?
HI 1dad,
Clearly, you and I have very different ideas about what the term "hi fi" means. To me, hi fi sound is the holy grail. It is reality. Any deviation from this objective can be described as distortion, coloration, signatures, etc. IOW, anything that deviates from reality. Hi fi is a real term not subject to individual interpretation. It is what we as audiophiles should aim at. You clearly don't by your own words.

Your definition is so loose that anything you say looses meaning, has no anchors, and is useless. You are definitely a SET type. Stay away from me!! I don't want to catch your brain wanderings.

Sparky relax! it`s just a hobby we both enjoy but with different taste and perspective. In my audio evolution over the past 22 years I`ve gone from SS amps( Symphonic Line was my best in this catagory) then various PP tube amps(which I liked more than the SS amps). SET amps for me were a significant step above the former amps because they sounded much more like the sound I hear at the local jazz clubs(unamplified and acoustical) I visit quite often. It was a revelation for natural sonic realism. I used to play trumpet and man, my 300b amp is spooky close with the tone, power and the brass body reproduction. But that`s me , you obviously simply prefer something else and that`s perfectly fine. The orgin of this thread was based on an interest in SET amplifiers, I was happy to share my own very deep joy with this type of amp, nothing more nothing less.