how close in sound can a tube and ss amp sound ?

i have observed threads requesting advice regarding tube sounding solid state amps, within a price point.

i wonder how to confirm such a request.

in addition to recommendations, what about comparing a particular ss amp to a particular tube amp using an experimental design where bias, or preconception has been eliminated ?

has anyone tested the hypothesis that he/she cannot detect the difference between a tube and a ss amp, within the same power range, price point and minimizing interaction problems, such as impedeance mismatches ?

on the other hand if someone is seeking a tube-like sound out of a solid state amp, i would assume that one would use a "classic" sounding tube amp, e.g., cj mv 45, cj 75, cj 100, or cj mv125 as the tube amp and try to find a ss amp that is indistinguishable from the sound of the classic tube amp.

i have found that many ss amps differ with respect to bass and treble response from many tube amps.

in my own case, i would love to find a 120 watt ss amp which sounds like my vtl tube amp. unfortunately, i am not optimistic.

in other threads, some people have stated that it is impossible to find a ss amp that is "tube-like", in the classic sense.

Well, I had a Sonic Frontiers Power 2 tube amp and while I liked how the amp sounded in my system it actualy did not sound tube compared to my former Quicksilver or Counterpoint amps. So in my case a tube amp does not always equate to 'tubey' sound.
I heard several B&K amps that leans towards tube like sound versus an older Aragon 2004 amp that I had many years back that was the completely opposite. Just my 2 cents :)
A ss amp that sounds like a tube one is an oxymoron. Never shall they sound alike.
"in my own case, i would love to find a 120 watt ss amp which sounds like my vtl tube amp. unfortunately, i am not optimistic."
I think you already have answered your question.
In my opinion and with my system the roland model 6 monoblocks I have come close to my audiovalve challanger 180 mono's but not the same in regards with the female vocals,jazz and even pink floyd when they visit.
I bet you will get a reply from Atmasphere and see what he thinks.