Using headphone output from an intergrated amp

I am in a phase of being obssessed with headphones. My simple question is : Do I need to have the intergrated amp connected to a speakers while I am using the headphone output?

I have read somewhere that " never turn the amp volume up without being connect to a load, ie. speakers ".

I prefer not to have any speakers to connect to my intergrated amp but the headphone to the headphone output.
Davetherave is so right.

Headphone amps make a huge difference- and I've owned at least 20, both tube and Solid State. I was convinced it was tubes only for me after much experimentation, then I met the Burson HA-160, which I own now. I'm just intoxicated with the Burson and music is even more pleasurable than before.

But you don't have to lay down the coin for a Burson or better- The amps Dave mentioned are really good for little money, and you can find them used quite often.

Have fun!
For the DIY types out can cob together a CMOY pocket headphone amp for about 30$ with all new parts, less the Altoids tin you build it in!

Than, you can get into 'opamp' rolling. Much less expensive than the glass version!

Minimal equipment is needed, but ya gotta' have a good iron. AND eyesight.
Here we go again, I just bought the A25r. I wonder if the time to "move it" again at a loss for tne dedicated HP amp.

I have been checking around and the little Dot MK IV has a good review. Just curious that how does the LD tube headphone against the MF V Can as the Sterephile guy loves the MF V can so much?