Aesthetix Calypso vs. ?

I have this on loan from my dealer, and am wondering what other preamps I should try within this price range.

I think the Calypso betters my BAT 3iX, without the 3iX's somewhat closed in on top and darkish midrange.

The 3iX does seem to win in the midbass, and I still very much like the its overal soundstage presentation. I'm wondering if I should try some tuberolling with the 3iX before I give up on it. I just have the standard Electro-Harmonix 6922s in it right now.

(I tried some Tung Sol 12AX7s I had in the closet in the Calypso. Lovelier midrange and deeper soundstage than the Sovteks, but too much hiss).
The Calypso has a really pretty minimalist circuit design. You are in a sense listening to the tubes. Which is amazing with good tubes but make using low noise / low microphonic tubes mandatory.

One thing you can try with Tung Sols is change the gain on the Calypso to the low setting. Its in the manual and just involves a set of jumpers on the main board (unplug it!). Large reduction in noise for me.

A set of reasonably priced NOS 6922's (seimans 1960s) may be worth trying in the Bat and you could always use them in the Calypso if you go that way.
@Mark, thanks, looks interesting, though I don't have enough feedback for the free demo.

@Nik, I think the Calypso I have on loan is an older model without the jumpers. Or at least they are not where people say they are. The gain *is* too high for my DAC and amp. Guess I'll ask the dealer.

I talked to Kevin at Upscale audio, and he thought a Primaluna Dialogue 3 would "smoke" the BAT (they also sell BAT). But, duh, I didn't think to ask him about the Calypso because my original question was about tube rolling the BAT (he doesn't think the dark character can be changed much.)
Test drive a Shindo if you have a chance. Not balanced but I think these may meet your other requirements.
I've had a Calypso for about 3 years and it's been my favorite preamp by far vs. my previous preamps, which included the Joule LA-150 & BAT VK30. It responds big-time to tube rolling, but sounds only so-so with the stock Sovtek's. You HAVE TO tube roll with good NOS tubes to get the most out of this unit... but it's worth the effort and expense.

Disclosure: I've recently sold my Calypso, but only because I've gone to an all tubed integrated (McIntosh MA2275).