old vs. new , wich one is better?

In the last year or two my impresion is that there are more and more people buying old audio amps, preamps, turntables,etc. When you ask them why, they say that is because some old products were build with such a quality that is impossible to be replicated today, not because the technology, but -for example- actual cost limitations and the way the comapnies are managed today (profitability as their main focus).
what I would like to read from you is if in your experience as critical listeners, in some cases the old and best (for their time) Sansuis,Pioneer, Mcintosh, Dynaco, or others, could be better than the actual amps, preamps, turntables, etc. and if you agree, what products in particular and why, what do you find in the old ones that is absent in the new ones.
Thanks for your comments, I think this could be interesting.
better is subjective. having listened to old (depends upon definition of old). personally, since parts were different in the 60's, 70's , etc., the comparison between old and new is like comparing apples and oranges.

so, what does this mean ? there are definite differences sonically between amps, pres and speakers from the 60's to 80's and products in production in 2010.

i prefer the sound of the 60's to what is available today.

the older products had frequency response anomalies which according to some had a pleasant character--attenuation above 5000 hz and a peak in the upper bass.

the newer products are less inaccurate in frequency response and seem more resolving tham the older products.

its all a matter of taste as has been indicated in previous threads.