Nuforce V3 mod

Has anyone heard the Nuforce V3 mod done on their Reference V2SE? Please compare. Thanks
Stltrains Thanks for the inspirational update. What tubes do you use in your AH? - I am running 1960's cca's. Do you also listen to digital source and like the Nuforce with it as well?
Gammajo i use 60s ccas as well. When its sit down music listening time i spin vinyl for the best sound and playback. IMO
Fast recovery to you and take care.
Gammajo, likewise, sorry to hear about your broken leg.

I have to agree with Sultrains's obervations on the sound of the V3s. He is dead on accurate, except for the vinyl comments. Best front end is all digital: USB DAC with no preamp, combined with power regenerators.

Good luck with your recovery.

Thanks for the comment that the V3 works well with digital as well as vinyl. Good report at doctor yesterday in terms of healing but still a few weeks of bed rest to go.
The sound i am getting form my new V3's is amazing. The depth, clarity, the imagining and clarity of the voices is something to behold!! I do not understand why they do not get more love from audiophile's!! You can listen to these amps and never ever get ear fatigue! I would really like to compare them to the best amps in the world. I have had much more expensive amps and never have heard music as real as with the nuforce's.