Rotel vs NAD

looking at either the NAD 165 pre-275 amp combo, or the Rotel 1580 pre-1552 amp combo. anybody with experience with either i would love to hear your thoughts. i listened to the NAD combo today and really liked it. unfortunately i cant demo the Rotel in my area. insight into sound and build qaulity would be great.
I have the nad c275. Have had it for a few months now, and wow, it just gets better by the week. I have a nad c372 also, but no comparison. The c372 is very neutral, but so is the 275, but with the 275 just being more of everything. It has tons of clean power, fantastic bass, mids, and clean treble.

I am so impressed with this amp. My listening pleasure has jumped up a staggering level with this.

Btw, I am using the preamp from my nad T753 to send the front mains signal to the 275. So I am getting great 2-channel listening, plus much better surround use also as it drives the mains in either 2-channel or surround.

You can't go wrong with this amp. Just check out the reviews also in Stereophile for the 375 integrated (uses the 275 amp section basically), and review in the Hi-Fi news for the 275. Those that review either the 375 or the 275 are blown away. Michael Fremer in Stereophile said to check these out if you are thinking of spending even up to $10,000 for a amp. Yes, his comments in the last edition of Stereophile.
As the above responses suggest, NAD is relatively warmer than the Rotel - which I found too bright for my tastes.

NAD is decent gear and you probably have to pay twice the price of NAD to buy something appreciably better, but comparisons to $10k amps is a bit silly IMO. NAD provides great bang for buck, but there's much better gear out there if you're willing to pay a premium price for it.
Having had three Nad int amps.....two NAD pre/power amp combos and one Rotel pre/power amp combo I would go with the Rotel.

The Rotel does sound bright at first but I found the Rotel much more musical after break in. NAD's are "loud" for their price, but I found the Rotel much more articulate with a tube cd player.

I still have a couple of NAD int amps. Also own Mcintosh and Classe. Have also used Krell and many others.

Much better warranty with the Rotel. Maybe a better resale value......Just an opinion.
Just to add to the above can run Rotel with
a 4ohm load. I am doing it right now. Contact Rotel if you have any questions. Their customer service is much better than NAD's. Trust me I have more NAD equipment than Rotel.
They just do not advertise it.....but state the power increases with a lower load.

Also try running either the NAD or Rotel with a better
(CJ, old Mcintosh etc.) preamp. Bothe of these amps are much better. I once had a Mcintosh C-15 with a NAD amp(270 I think). Believe it or not it was one of my most favorite systems. I have done this with both brands. Great improvement without killing your wallet for a high dollar amp.
someone above mentioned 'no 4ohm rating on Rotel amp'.
True. I had an RB-1070 rated at 130x2 with no 4ohm rating. However, it would bridge to 390x1 at 8ohms. From this I infer a rating of 195x2 at 4ohms. Make sense?
Going upline to the RB-1080 of 200x2, they did specify of 4ohm power.

Sound? A little brisk into my panels and congested at higher levels. I eventually went 'd'. I'd like to try the Rotel again, since I have adjusted the room since its being sold and that changed the character of what I was hearing, for the better.