Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO
Miles Davis "Kind Of Blue" (Columbia CS 8163) Listened to two different Classic Records reissues tonight. first the 200 gram, then the 45 rpm reissue.

I never tire of listening to this masterpiece. The line up of performers and the selection of music for this album are first rate and perfect for lower volume late night listening. This recording introduced me to Miles Davis, and I have added to my collection "Sketches of Spain", "Bag's Groove" and a few others.

I would ask the more enlightened and experienced posters here to please recommend other Miles Davis recordings similar in style to the above. I also have the better known Coltrane releases as well as almost all of Bill Evans' work as well, but would like to explore Davis a little more. Thanks.
Birth of the Cool is a good title similar in many ways to the ones you've mentioned.
However because it's not at all like them, you've also got to check out Bitches Brew. It's the jazz equivalent of Dylan going electric in '66. A chaotic, mesmerizing tornado of sound with many of the later era electric jazz icons: Corea, McLaughlin, Shorter, Lenny White, Dave Holland, Jack DeJohnette.
It ain't no easy listen, but it's something to behold. With the volume way up! Cheers,
Actually, KOB, Sketches, and Bag's Groove aren't much like each other either, and that's a defining aspect of Miles' body of work overall. Neither would I consider BOTC to be particularly similar to any of the above for that matter. I'm not much of one for the electric material from In A Silent Way going forward, but briefly would recommend the titles Miles Ahead, Cookin', and E.S.P. if you don't have any of them already. Each one of those also represents a different period and group, with Miles Ahead being more like Sketches, Cookin' more like Bag's Groove, and E.S.P. representing the post-KOB, pre-Bitches Brew acoustic Miles. Check out Sdcampbell's posts on this general subject for a detailed examination.
Thanks gents! I have a coupla more titles on my shopping list. KOB and Sketches really get it done for me, so I am likely to stick with that style. I guess it's the pre-electric acoustic Miles I am after...
RR recording(Rm-1005) of Gershwin- An American in Paris..Leonard Slatkin & St.Louis Symp....light and easy with exceptional soundstaging and wonderful full bass.

Next up is Classical Records(LSC 2298) Borodin..Symphony No.2
Rimsky-Korsakoff...Capriccio Espagnole March from "Tsar Saltan" LSO. Very nicely done.

Phoebe Snow(self titled) Shelter records SR2109. Love that Harpo's Blues and Poetry Man.

Ending with: Allison Krauss + Union Station Rounder/Diverse 2001...Great stuff indeed!

I just upgraded all my IC's to RSA Poiema! what a sweet, dynamic IC with the best bass Ive yet heard from the Aries2/JMW10/ ZYX FS