Solid state amp/Tube Preamp. Possible?

Hi everyone. I have a Classe CA300 power amp & I'm thinking of getting a BAT tube preamp w/phone pre. A BAT VK-3i to be exact. My speakers are B&W 802's with a Linn Wakonda Pre at present with a Sota table. The Linn has a on board phone pre but I run my table through a Musical Fidelity X-LPS ver 3 phono pre. I'm thinking of replacing the Linn & X-LPS with the BAT VK-3i. I know BAT's reputation is outstanding just worried about the tube pre matched with a solid state amp. Any ideas or experience with this type of set up would be appreciated.

Cheers Deanna
Find out the output impedance of the BAT. The input impedance of the Classe should be at least 10 times that amount.

A good tube pre in front of a SS amp is a very popular way to go. I think you will be very happy. Good luck.
I chased that sound and found that its better to have a good solid state pre amp with my solid state amp. The problem is the tubes they are never the same and overtime they continue to change . If your looking for good sound your better off
getting a good DAC to go with your system that will give you the warmer sound and more detailed sound. look at MSB DAC they have some in audiogon under $600 and the Platinum series for 1500 and up. You will be much
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