Preamp w/HT Bypass for Mccormack

I am looking for recommendations for a stereo preamp that would match well with my stock DNA-1. It needs to have a HT byass. The Axiom is no longer practical. I value soundstage, silky highs, and accurate tonal balance if that helps for reference. I am not opposed to my first endeavor into tubes. I must stay under $1500 used.

Sony DVP-S9000ES
Totem Arros
Yamaha RX-V663
Luminous Audio Passive Preamp
Ixos Ixotica Aptimus interconnects

I lived with a SF Line 1 paired up with an SMc modded McCormack DNA-1 for several years and felt they worked well together. Enough that I lusted after the Line 2 as a future upgrade.

While not familiar with the Arros, the SF and DNA are not a combination I'd mate with any speaker prone to HF glare. The slightly dry nature of the Line 1 accentuated an edgy character in the upper frequencies of my speaker's metal dome tweeters. Rolling in the right tubes mostly tamed it.

My recollection is the Line 2 lacks the 1's dryness, though neither is a really tubey sounding preamp.

Hope that's helpful.