how much would you say a good set up cost

ok, we all have gear, but now days, what price do you think you have to spend to have a real good system. not over kill, just good equipment, good sound stage. all around mid to mid high. I'm saying at least 30-35 thousand gets you in that level. I was talking the other day with some friends and we never put a price on our gear. you always get this piece now then that later. but have you ever sat down and figured out just what you paid for your system. I was shocked when i did it.
Jax2: my point is simply that the sonic quality ceiling on amps, cd-players and such is reached more quickly, though lord knows the price ceiling is not. Audiophile reviewers/manufacturers, I realize, like to promote the idea that the difference b/t a 10k amp and a 2k amp, or even more absurdly, a 1k cd-player and a 5k cd-player, is the equivalent of, or at least close to, the difference between a 10k set of speakers, and a 2k set of speakers. Not even close, I'd say.
A system budget is wholly dependant on the size of the Listening Room. To fill a large Room with sound, requires purchasing Large and powerful Speakers, which will require a powerful Amplifer(s) to properly drive them. A good Preamplifier and Source Component will work equally well in a small Listening Room - as in a large one. In a large Listening Room the lion's share of the budget would have to go towards the Speakers and Amplifer(s) - in a small/modest size Room the CD Player and Preamplifier will most likely take-up more than half of the budget, using modest size Speakers (Monitors) and a single moderately powerful Amplifier.

As others here have said "the Listening Room dictates the overall budget", as well as budget (component) allocation.