Best EL-34 Amps?

Looking for votes/recommendations on the best available EL-34 mono-blocks... I have tired many different amplifiers over the years including 300B's, SET's, EL-84's, 6550's, all manner of solid state (nasty!) and haven't found anything that bests' my VTL-125MB. However, they ain't as young as they used to be and I have always wondered if the magical pair of EL-34 mono-blocks are out there and have just slipped my attention. They must be very quiet, since I use extremely sensitive Klipschorns (104db)...any noise is ruthlessly revealed...
VTL Tiny triodes and may I say irrespective of price. IMHO they are an absolute audio bargain for the money if you have efficient speakers (which I dont)

Quicksilver Mid Mono's EL34 mono blocks are great sounding amps. I've been using the KT66 Gold Lion tube currently. Would like to hear a RM-10 someday as I've read this is a great match with Vandersteen. All the best...