Newbie amp help......why?

Im confused about why an amp is needed. I am not a cranker by any means. I dont listen to my music loud at all. I really dont listen to rock much so why is an amp needed? I could understand if it was like when i was younger and wanted more bass or better treble in my car but that was only because i wanted to listen louder without distortion. I have a old pioneer elite 39tx reciever/pre amp. I have a nad c541 transport, with psb stratus gold speakers. please help me understand how this works. My stuff will already go way louder without distortion than i would ever want to listen to at that level. thanx alot Kevin
What I think you will hear with "better" equipment is more accurate resolution of timbre, changes in volume and "force" (voices or instruments), small changes in pitch, and decay of notes. This is proabably what is referred to as microdynamics. The better you pickup on those performance cues, the more musical meaning IMHO. If you can also get better soundstaging and presence, all the better.
Well im a bit embarassed. i purchased a sonance 2 channel amp and it doesnt have enough power. I have to turn up the volume much higher now than when i was using the pioneer 39tx. Spur of the moment buy. I know, i know, i should have researched more. Thanks alot for the words of wisdom. im learning thru my bank account. thanks again. Kevin
Does it not play loud enough? Nothing wrong with turning your dial further in and of itself - some may argue its best if your playing in the 11-1 positions. It doesn't necessarily mean you don't have enough power.

Above and beyond the issue of sheer volume (and Pubul57 is right), I have to say that Sonance is not a brand name that comes up very often on A'gon as incarnating the kind of sonic qualities that most high-enders are looking for. I would have thought you'd be better off with a number of other ss products: Musical Fidelity comes to mind, that might go well with PSB, as well as Creek, Sim Audio, Bryston, and the other names already mentioned here (Naim, Vincent, Parasound). Where did the Sonance come from? Do they have a return policy? Or trade-in/trade-up?....