Using two channel amps as monos?

I'm considering using two identical two channel Edge M8m amps as monoblocks. Any thoughts or advice on this configuration would be greatly appreciated.
You might want to try the configuration I'm using in a second system. It has two Forte 3's run as monoblocks. I've been very happy with the results. The biggest improvements were in the channel separation and soundstage/depth. Note that I've not bridged the amps. My set up was done by removing the +/- fuses from one of the channels in each of the stereo amps. This way you will have a virtual monoblock consisting of a dedicated chassis, transformer and power supply for the remaining amp to use without sharing these resources as in a typical stereo amp configuration. If the topology of your amp does not share anything other than the PS you would be good to go.
Dob-----Are you by any chance an attorney? I noticed you didn't answer the question I posed: Have you actually done a comparison listening to the amps running in both modes? It would be interesting to hear from someone who has done this.

With the Sunfires, to run in mono-strapped mode, you need a single-ended cable input. My cables are balanced, so I can't do this, and I just run one channel through each amp. Hence, my interest in hearing from anyone who has actually done a comparison like this.
Hello Jimjoyce,

Double no - I am not attorney and I did not do this experiment. I can't comprehend that someone having two channels which he/she/it can use "free of charge" in fully balanced mode will choose volunterely to use only one channel.

Its almost like experiment: to run on one leg or to run using both legs...well,almost. - we all did this experiment.

All The Best
Spoken like a true audiophile. It must be nice having as intuitive a sense of electronics as you have of your own body! Why experiment indeed!
I did this experiment many years ago for a relatively short time with two Parasound 750 stereo amps powering Paradigm Studio 100s V1, using only one channel of each amp for each speaker. It was OK but then I upgaded to a Bryston 4BST stereo amp and things got noticeably better. So it will work but it depends on the power and budget. My sense is that the price for one high quality stereo amp will provide better results than two amps added together cost the same.