Rogue Metis pre amp

I'm getting a rogue Metis next week, anyone out there using this with good results? In a few reviews it says it's loud. Not sure what that means but I'm sure it will be better than my 20 year old solid state.
Yes indeed it is noisy. It sounds like the Vegas strip in my listening room now. I'm not quite sure what to do about it. I was expecting a little noise but there is a very audible buzzing and humming from as far back as 10-15ft.
Strange thing is I heard the metis at a dealer once and it was quiet through Triangle Antals. He had it plugeed into some fancy power conditioner though, I wonder if that might do the trick for you.
Fruff1976; if it is that bad ditch it. There are too many alternatives that dont have this issue.

Owned the Metis. It is rather noisy for a tube preamp.... have the Cary SLP-05 now and it is much quieter in all aspects. The Metis is a good pre, it gave me a good taste of having a tube pre paired with a SS amp.... very nice combo I think.

Do not ditch the Metis just yet... what exactly is noisy? Do you think it could be a ground issue?
I don't think it's a ground issue because I've tried all ways to correct that including cheater plugs etc.