Stereophile Article - Holt telling it like it is.

Gordon Holt telling it the way it is. I have to tell you; I agree almost with 100% of what he's said. I look forward to the Stereophile print where a full article is too be written. I will purchase that issue.
Camino, I think that subjective testing is partially in response to people like Julian Hirsch of Stereo Review, claiming that if you couldn't measure a difference there would be no audible difference. We now know that he wasn't measuring everything.

We still can't measure everything, hence the use of blind and double blind testing. Even A-B comparisons are valid, it's just a matter of degree and the experience of those testing.

I do agree that lack of objective evidence has led to marketers taking advantage of insecure audiophiles. I'm amazed, in all fields, at how few people make their buying decisions based purely upon their own senses. MOST people want to be told what to buy.

I can hear the differences between power cords and you can't, so you shouldn't spend any money in that area. I'm willing to spend money in that area, but only a little bit. As I listen to more and more expensive power cords, I hear less difference. In fact, occasionally a hyper expensive cord will sound way, way worse than my $99 cords. Lots of people will spend $1000 on a really bad cord because someone claimed it to be ne plus ultra. Sad but true.

It's amazing how much energy goes into advocating double-blind testing and yet it seldom is done. I wonder, if some audio club would dedicate themselves to DB testing and posting the results on the www, what would happen. I think it could actually be done, if a group were willing to get together twice a month and commit to a routine. We'll see, maybe.

I resent the reviews of ultra-expensive equipment; yet thirty years ago I couldn't understand why a publisher would waste paper printing a road test of a Ford or Chevy or Toyota--it was easy enough to go to the dealer and DRIVE IT YOURSELF. So bring on the Astons, Lotus, Porsche, Ferrari, etc.

I wish I had a $ for every time a dealer told me about some piece of equipment that no one would listen until there was a review on it.

"I need to know what it sounds like so that I can decide whether or not it is worth my time to audition it."

I realise that not everyone who is interested in "high-end" thinks that way, but the sad fact is that too many do. The magazines exist for those types, and those types live for the magazines. Between the 2 of them..........well, fill in the blanks to your satisfaction.

My take on their attitude is a bit more cynical. My premiss is that they have to know what it is SUPPOSED to sound like. Whether it does or not is not important. The real matter is that the people who live and die by reviews need to be reassured that they can hear just as well as the next guy.

Yeah, call it insecurity. Call it pack mentality.

When you spend as much time in high-end stores as those of us who build this stuff, hearing the same song-of-the-month, over and over again, in every city that you go to, you will come to the same conclusion.
Dcstep, a audio club recently did and discovered they could not hear any difference between items under test. Interesting comment by them-but what does it say?
I have several DVDA which I claim do produce the effect of a live performance with frightening accuracy. They are TACET DVDA of classical chamber music where each channel of the multichannel program carries (predominantly) one instrument. The performers are in the room with you. The audio quality is first class, but, as Holt suggested, it is the spatial effect that makes it real.
why not acknowledge that electronics and speakers are flawes and attempt to voice one's stereo system consistent with one's sonic preferences ?

Sure....but isn't this akin to throwing in the towel and giving up on the pursuit of an ideal ? Mediocrity...isn't that what Gordon Holt fights against? voiced to sound nice rather than accurate
...ecstatic reviews for every flavor of sound because surely it will suit someone's tastes, pocket book or aesthetic requirements!