To tube, or not to tube, that is the question

Falling head first into the hi-fi stratosphere. Read some of your posts that you should start with your speakers first then select the appropriate amp. So, I'm picking up my "new to me" Totems Sttaffs (spelled correctly don't you know) tomorrow and I am anticipating that my good old 30 year old Pioneer SA 6800 amp just ain't going to cut it any more. I should get a new amp.

I have an opportunity to purchase an Audiolab 8000S integrated amp to power the Sttafs. I really don't know if the Audiolab is the amp for these speakers but the price is right. I'm also thinking that all this chat about tubes should mean that it might be worth a try, The 8000S can act as a power amp if I hook it up to a tubed pre-amp later when I get more bucks. Or maybe I should forgo the ss integrated amp entirely and jump both feet into the tube world with either a tube integrated or a hybid. Keep in mind, I have quite an eclectic taste in music, mostly centering around electronic jazz and instrumental classical pieces, guitar acoustical renditions, vocal centered ballad material and the occassional heavy metal head banging rants. And I do have a limited budget. No Pathos amps for me. I'd be REALLY glad if I could pull this off under $500 (Do I hear the word "China"?). Would I be throwing good money to bad starting my tube journey with the 8000S? Can any amp fill this void?

I don't want to hear "Why did you get the Sttafs?" because I just did. I really liked them in the shop and I think they will be great in my home. I would like to know if reasonably priced tube amps can work with the Sttafs and if not, well, what do you suggest?

Thanks ahead for any input.
Re the TAD-60. If you want to use a phono, cd player, and a tuner, how can you with one input?
You cant. I figured ypu'd start with CD to see if you liked the sound and if you do, you can get a decent line-stage (Mapletree) for $400 and a Bellari phono pre-amp for $175.
Or, even better, the TAD Sig tubed 150 pre-amp - with a phono stage - $750 on A'gon. I owm one now - a terrific brtgain. But you're still spending $1500 rather than $500. On the other hand, you'll be getting really good sound.
djh, if you're serious about a tube amp and can find the $ for the TAD, or a similar amp with volume control w/i your budget, here's an option: Use your Pioneer as a switch for your CD, Tuner, Phono. Connect the power amp to the Tape output of the Pioneer, and use the volume control on the power amp.

This is hardly an ideal rig, but accomplishes a couple of things -
1) bypasses much the preamp section of the pioneer sending the cleanest output to the amp. It will sound very nice.
2) gets you a better amp for your budget, and a better upgrade platform when you're ready to go to a separate preamp.

The other option to consider is a tube preamp with a SS power amp. You may be able to find a combination used in your budget range.

Finally - there's a lot of great used SS gear that may kill anything tube in this price range, and give you a very satisfying rig until you're ready for the next step. You may be able to get most of your investment back on resale that way. Also, you'll increase your options if you consider separate pre & power amps in addition to integrated amps
I second the TAD pre and amp combo. I am running them with Vandy 2CE signatures and the sound changes dramatically with rolling tubes. If you want to stay integrated you can usually find a DK Design for unnder $1500. i have seen them as low as 1100. It has a phono stage.