Blown tube

I installed a new set of matched KT88s not too long ago on my Rogues (couple of months and maybe 350 hours or so ago)...
I've had a tube blow and one other on same mono amp stating to blacken on its top..
What might cause this so pre maturely?
Thats a common thing in rogue amps. they are hard on tubes, factory Highly reccomendeds FACTORY matched sets only on outputs. those amps are great much better then most people might think. Ive spebt 2-3 times as much on 5 sets of mono blocks only to sell and buy new 120's.
hurricanes, vtl mb300, rogue zeus,ect
Tubes tend to die in two ways: (i) infant mortality, in which instance they die in the first 200-300 hours, or (ii) they live until the end of their normal lifespan. They rarely die in between.

You are experiencing infant mortality.