Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
Wellfed...Since you want to be legalistic, let me remind you that the strictest critera (for criminal conviction) is beyond a REASONABLE doubt. This case is a slam dunk.
>>can you provide evidence to support your assertion that the Clever Little Clock is fraudulent<<

Actually it's up to you and the manufacturer to provide empirical data of its' performance not the other way around.
I agree somewhat with Charlie101 in that its up to the mfg to provide evidence that the CLC works or at least some rational explanation on how it works. Since that has not occured it is now up to the consumer if they are willing to part with at least two hundred dollars to prove otherwise. Remember, a fool & their money are soon parted and that is precisely what this mfg is relying on.
The CLC is a time travel device. It minimizes the time difference between the time captured on the recording and the current time. This ads realism to the music.

Let me add, that I am NOT trying to be sarcastic here.

I can't stress this enough; I am NOT being sarcastic.