I am openning a shop. What equipment should I sell

Planning on opening a retail "store front" what equipment should I carry?? Should I sell at price points or sell what sounds good? How important is base response in speakers. What is the right approach??
I'll have to agree with theo. This is a tough market to get into , espically with competeing with the internet as well. Circuit city stuff you mise will forget, your never gonna compete with them. Another factor is, where the heck are you?? what city, are you gonna draw enough people to warrant a retail shop. whose next to you? Plan to have alot of cash to back this up. If your just going in on a limited budget, foreget about it. Also will your products that you sell, allow you to sell on the internet? most will not. Good luck
This has got to be a joke post.............if you are asking these questions, then you would be better off going down to a casino and putting it all on black!
used(on consignment). and if you must carry new products, don't take on any vendor who won't give you extended(and i mean extended) terms......if you pay the manufacturers in 30 or 60 days, you'll be out of business in no time.......my advice would be to invest in something growing, not shrinking.....get a starbucks franchise
If you have to ask these questions, you are not even close to being educated or prepared for a venture into store front audio, sorry ...