Mac gear "Slow" or others "Fast"

When auditioning amps I A/B'd Mac and Classe models and noticed the Classe's were more immediate. Classe bass had more impact, but also decayed much quicker. At that time I assumed the Macs were slow and bought Cam 350's and Para S8's. Since then I've heard much of the community agrees that Mac gear is slow, however I'm now questioning that. Mac tells me others up the gain a bit to "pump-up" the sound and that they(mac)present the original track as recorded. Opinions please? I'm trying to decide on a pre-amp- MacC200 or ML320s. Great forum! Thanks
Hi Bill,

I noticed from Audiogon you sold your Wright Sound amps and got a McIntosh 402. Are you using the 402 to drive the IM Bens? Or did you sell the Ben's too? Just curious. I've embarked on a SET type system and your experience would be quite helpful.


Bryan White
I fully symphatize with Grannyring opinion !
I fully agree too as MC 402 owner.
No doubt Mac is solid / standard gear, if you are looking for a certain flavor however than there are many choices, and from what I have gotten out of this hobby nothing is right or wrong it just depends on how you listen and want it to be presented to you.
Heeeeyyyyyy.... my last post was intended to be an email to Grannyring. Did I screw up or did Audiogon? Are they implementing a new feature?? What's going on here!?!?!!?!??! :)