
I read the ad... has anybody tried the NuForce products?
Unless there was a particular problem with this pair of amps, the sound of this system was not very pleasant noted by all including the dealer . The Nuforce line in this case was not added. I was disappointed as a customer that it did not sound the way I had read that it should.

It is hard to comment without knowing how much breakin the dealer has allowed for the amp and whether anyone has attempted to re-configure the system or adjust for speakers toe-in position (toeing out). If you read many of the reviews (from professional reviewers to serious audiophiles) from magazines to online forums, they have taken the trouble to tune their systems. NuForce is ruthlessly revealing amount many other things. In addition, NuForce is a very neutral amp and it present the recording as it is. You don't find people describing it as warmth or sweet (to me that's distorted sound but hey, there is no right or wrong, music is very personal). So by introducing a neutral amp into a system that has been very well compensated can suddently appear off balance.
There is only one way to know for sure how good
the nuforce amps sound, "I Kid You Not", Listen
To Me. All Amp generate Noise! Resonences, they
Vibrate, Hum, and so on, One only needs to place
8s or 9s on Maple Block just big enough to hold
them, possiblly weigh them down with about five
LBs of lead shot spread evenly accross entire
top of amp. Now in equal triangle set Stillpoints
with height ajusters under Maple Block, scewing
the Stillpoints up and down, while listing you
will be able to effectively drain off all Noise
from chassis and Amp, "Stillpoints Can Do This"
You will here your Amps for the First time with
out noise being added into swicthing ICs, this is
critical because of the shear speed of the ICs
can "smear" or distort any noise thats innerduced
in to them. All equipment that us audiophiles use
generates noise, there isn't one that can't be
Vastly improved by direct ajustable hight Still-
points, Try it, You'll "Freak Out!" and become a
Believer like me.
What does Nuforce have planned for the immedeate future. I'm looking for 500 watts into 4 Ohms.
I don't know what nuforce is doing in the Future,
Sure would be nice if they'd improve their now
current model amps, by using thicker gauge alloy
and some damping of any kind? to chassis! I mean
they could of stuck the anolog technology in a
card board box! enough said. As for 500 WATTs,
we may be waiting on the wrong company, The Amps
That quite possiblly can Beat Nuforce soniclly
are found at The MegaRapture
will make 500 watts, and the Gilmore Amps use a
"Really Good Chassis" This company understands
that to have a good digital swithing amp, for
crying out loud! you have to put it in a good,
thick, heavy chassis, well damped, ect. My guess
is that the nuforce amps ring, like tuning forks?
Very depressing to say the least. In ending, I'd
like nuforce to go back to the drawing board and
get their chassis beefed up before I buy mine?
We are all patiently awaiting for Jason's next "creation." I hear big things are coming at CES!!