Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
"It seems you have changed your position during the course of this thread to one of someone who was not involved to one of disrespect and name calling."

Read my posts, and all the responses to my posts, from the beginning of this thread, and then tell me I am the name caller. Tell me I started it.

Some of you people are so obvious and lacking in the ability to read, think, or follow a line of thought, it would take someone with the patience of Job not to call you names. But as someone said earlier, in the greater scheme of things, this ain't very important. And another thing, most of you do not even know what the question is. It's not about me or my system or you and your system. It's not even about stereo!

BTW, has anyone noticed that people have a tendency to get a lot more upset and vocal over hearing the truth, than they do over hearing untruths. Esp those that are true believers. Almost as if their beliefs cannot withstand a challenge. Jusr something I have observed in life. Its almost as if the truth is 'dangerous'.

Rok, above you have some well thought-out comments and challenges to your stance, and you continue to ignore and disregard them. The easy answer at this point would be to simply say: "Man, you are out of your league; and I don't mean as far as your gear goes". But, hey, it's a rainy Sat afternoon and I have a few minutes of free time, so I will do the generous thing and try, once again, to point out the error of your ways :-) You wrote:

****Read my posts, and all the responses to my posts, from the beginning of this thread, and then tell me I am the name caller. Tell me I started it.****

I don't know what you consider "name calling", but I now it when I hear (read) it. Your first post:

****Could it be a variation of this:

Mass hysteria manifesting as collective symptoms of disease is sometimes referred to as mass psychogenic illness or epidemic hysteria. Mass hysteria typically begins when an individual becomes ill or hysterical during a period of stress.[6] After this initial individual shows symptoms, others begin to manifest similar symptoms.

Besides, peer pressure and wanting to belong to an elite group is a factor. Who wants to ADMIT he can't hear what EVERYONE else says they can hear? My system can resolve as well as yours!!! I have golden ears also!!! I am just as much an audiophile as anyone else!!! And so on and so on****

Oh, hell! Man, you are out of your league.
"Rok, above you have some well thought-out comments and challenges to your stance"

Point them out. For the life of me I can't see them.

"Oh, hell! Man, you are out of your league"

and what league would that be?

"so I will do the generous thing and try, once again, to point out the error of your ways"

No one say you are not generous with your time and thoughts. I know I appreciate it. Send some that rain to Texas. We Need it.

The case against wire:
1)NO ONE has ever demostrated that they can hear wire
2)There is no measurable or scientific basis for hearing wire
3)The limits of human hearing
4)Golden ears have tried and failed with wire and amps
5)Given human greed and pride, there would not be a million dollar prize still on the table to the person who demonstrates he/ she can hear wire.
6)No one explains WHY wire should sound different, the periodic table theory notwithstanding.

The casr for wire:
I can hear a difference.
