Need advice on rich sounding cables

I have yg carmel speakers and solid state gear.

I am after speaker cables that have these attributes. Can spend Up to $4000 msrp for a 8 foot length.

Neutral frequency response
Bass well controlled and defined, not heavy
Highs not edgy, or hard, or pronounced.
Timbres and vocals natural sounding
Fast speed overall.
Rich sounding midrange given the speakers and gear don't add to the sound.

Some of the brands I am considering
kubala sosna
Snake river signature series
Argento serenity series
Tara labs the One or the Two

I picked up the Snake River signature that was being sold on Audiogon second hand, was advertised here at $1250 for a 3 meter biwire pair.

Great price.

will let you all know how it goes!
If you are going to demo cables, I would add Fusion Audio cables to your list, which are known for their midrange "liquidity". I found their Enchanter power cord to add some warmth to my Pass Labs amp, while preserving frequency extension. Cheaper SC options that play above their price point by a good margin are Clear Day Double Shotguns ($500), which I use, and Triode Wire Labs ($700). All offer generous, no hassle return privileges. The Cable Co is great, but their 5% charge per cable is money down the drain if you don't end up buying from them.
stealth is nice but wrong price for performance try calling Robert Lee at Acoustic Zen he is a great guy with a great balanced product that you can get what you need with your budget intact .
The kubala I heard seemed little tubby and closed down to me,tara was thinner causing wrong timbre but great product.
just my 2 cents
Looking for "rich sounding cables" is the wrong approach. If your system needs richness, look at your components, particularly your source. $4,000 can be better spent elsewhere, rahther than on cables! And, I have experienced wonderful 'rich sounding' speaker cables, Teo liquid cables. Unfortunately, they are more than $4,000.
Within your budget you might want to give High Fidelity CT-1 a try. Most reviews claim they have in spades the very qualities you're after.